Dr Sandra Bos Mikich
Researcher in Ecology, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – EMBRAPA, Brazil
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Research Interests
My research focuses on the ecology of birds and mammals in tropical forests, mainly in the highly threatened Brazilian Atlantic Forest. I am particularly interested in the interactions between animals and plants, from the perspective of both frugivory and seed dispersal, and in applying this knowledge to forest restoration. Additionally, I study how human modified habitats are used by carnivores and primates, in order to reduce the conflict between food/timber production and wildlife conservation. In Oxford investigated the network structure of frugivorous animals and the plants on which they feed, using an 8 year data set from the Atlantic Forest.
Selected Publications
- Mikich, S. B. & Liebsch, D. (2014) Assessment of food supplementation and patrolling as techniques to reduce damage caused by black capuchin monkeys (Sapajus nigritus) to forest plantations. Current Zoology, 60(5):581-590.
- Mikich, S. B. & Liebisch, D. (2014) Damage to forest plantations by tufted capuchins (Sapajus nigritus): Too many monkeys or not enough fruits? Forest Ecology and Management, 314: 9-16.
- Bianconi, G. V., Suckow, U. M. S., Cruz-Neto, A. P. & Mikich, S. B. (2012) Use of fruit essential oils to assist forest regeneration by bats. Restoration Ecology, 20: 211-217.
- Rocha-Mendes, F., Mikich, S. B., Quadros, J. & Pedro, W.A. (2010) Feeding ecology of carnivores (Mammalia, Carnivora) in Atlantic Forest remnants, southern Brazil. Biota Neotropica (Online. English edition), 10: 21-30.
- Bianconi, G. V., Mikich, S. B., Teixeira, S. D. & Maia, B. H. L. N. S. (2007) The use of essential oils of chiropterochoric fruits for the attraction of fruit-eating bats: a potential tool for the recovery of forest ecosystems. Biotropica, 39: 136-14.
- Bianconi, G. V., Mikich, S. B. & Pedro, W. A. (2006) Movements of bats in and between semideciduous seasonal forest fragments in southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 23: 1199-1206.
- Mikich, S. B. & Bérnils, R. S. (Eds.) (2004) Livro Vermelho da Fauna Ameaçada no Estado do Paraná.763p. Curitiba: Instituto Ambiental do Paraná. (Red Data Book of Paraná State Fauna, Brazil).
- Mikich, S. B., Bianconi, G. V., Maia, B. H. L. N. S. & Teixeira, S. D. (2003) Attraction of the fruit-eating bat Carollia perspicillata to Piper gaudichaudianum essential oil. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 29: 2379-2383.