Dr Milton Barbosa
DPhil Candidate
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Funded by CAPES scholarship, Brazil
Supervised by Becky Morris and Owen Lewis
Research Interests
I am interested in processes driving the structure and dynamics of ecosystems. My research project focuses on the role of individual species in food web stability. I use fully resolved quantitative galler-parasitoid food webs, which are manipulated and monitored in the field, to investigate the effects of species abundance and spatial distribution on food web structure. I am also interested in the role played by non-trophic interactions in maintaining ecological communities.
Selected Publications
- Barbosa, M., Lewis, O.T., Wilson Fernandes, G. & Morris, R.J. Experimentally reducing species abundance indirectly affects food web structure and robustness. Journal of Animal Ecology, in press.
- Barbosa, M. & Fernandes, G.W. (2014). Bottom-up effects on Gall distribution. In: Fernandes, G.W., Santos, J.C. (ed.) Neotropical Insect Galls, pp 99-113. Springer, Netherlands. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8783-3_6
- Barbosa, M., Neves, F. S., Fernandes, G. W., Cuevas-Reyes, P., Quintino, A. & Sanchez-Azofeifa, A. (2014) Canopy herbivory and succession in a Brazilian tropical dry forest. Lundiana, in press.
- Magalhães, C. H. P., Fernandes, G. W. & Barbosa, M. (2014) Leaf nutrient relationships to gall induced hypersensitive reactions in Terminalia glabrescents. Plant Protection Quarterly, 29: 11-15.
- Fernandes, G. W., Magalhães, C. H. P., Efremova, A. A. & Barbosa, M. (2014) The origin of leaf damage in Terminalia glabrescens: herbivory or resistance against galls? Plant Protection Quarterly,29: 20-25.
- Ribeiro, S. P., Barbosa, M., Tagliati, M. C. & Chavana-Bryant, C. (2011) Vegetation traits and herbivory distribution in an Australian subtropical forest. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 50: 481-493.
- Miola, D. B., Freitas, C. R., Barbosa, M. & Fernandes, G. W. (2011) Modeling the spatial distribution of the endemic and threatened palm tree Syagrus glaucescens (Arecaceae). Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 6: 78-84.
- Sanches, M. C., Ribeiro, S. P., Dalvi, V. C., Barbosa, M., Souza, C. S. D. & Lemos-Filho, J. P. (2009) Differential leaf traits of a neotropical tree Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze (Lecythidaceae): comparing saplings and emergent trees. Trees (Berlin), 24: 79-88.
- Barbosa, M. & Booth, S. (2009). East Timor’s fisheries catch reconstruction (1950-2009): Fisheries under different regimes. In: Zeller, D. & Harper, S. (ed). Fisheries catch reconstructions: Islands, Part I. Vancouver: Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia, 17 (5): 39-51